
Week 30.. a little late

Sooo.. I meant to post this last Friday. I upload the pictures and type up the blogs at work and email it to myself, well.. I forgot to attach the picture! So.. I will post the picture soon. But for now.. here is what I had to say last week:

30 weeks. 214 days pregnant. 66 to go!

Sixty Six days.. wow.. even though it seems a while away, it's going to go by really fast! Especially since it will most likely be less than that. The thought of labor is really starting to make me nervous. I know I can do it, but the anticipation of it is killing me. I don't want to be in pain! Not much else going on, just puffy face, legs and feet.
The other night, I had a dream that I went to the doctor and she told me I was dilated 23 cm!!! Good lord, I think Cash could crawl out on his hands and knees at 23 cms!
Last week, I went to the doctor and there wasn't much to report. If you remember when I was 24 weeks, Cash was measuring 27 1/2, well at 29 weeks he was measuring 29 weeks... so that's good news. That's about all that came from that appointment. I go again next week! Going to the doctor every two weeks at this point seems silly. Nothing happens at the appointments! I know soon she will be checking for other things, and I will have one more look at Cash before he is born. I don't know when that ultrasound will be, but I can't wait!

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