
Week 9

The week of the olive, that's right.. our baby is the size of an olive this week (according to thebump.com) I'm still feeling pretty good. Some days are better than others. I find myself feeling more sick when I go a while with out eating. As far as eating, some things sound great.. some things sound terrible. I can be so hungry at times, and not a darn thing sounds appealing! I'm not craving a particular thing, mostly just what I see other people eating. Example, on Big Brother they were eating Chinese food. Pretty much immediately I wanted Chinese food. So, I drug my husband to Buffet Palace on Saturday.. (knowing full well, he is not a big Chinese fan.. bad experience, long story) After I ate it, I was over it. I was thinking, well that wasn't even that good.. now I just feel greasy. That is also something I've noticed. After I eat whatever I crave, I no longer want it. Just like Sonic. I was dying for a Sonic burger, tator tots and a lemon berry slush. It was so damn good. But, I'm over it. Somebody please tell me.. what is up with pregnant women and pickles? To be honest, I thought that was a loud of crap. I like pickles, but I never get the feeling I just want to eat pickles! However, the other day.. I stopped into Bill Miller to get myself a tea (yes, I do let myself have some caffeinated tea from time to time) and found myself wanting to eat some pickles off the little cart thing they have out there. So I got me a little cup of pickles to go.. and they were soo freakin' good and crunchy and yum! I haven't done that since, but it was very odd.. and I actually laughed at myself because of it.

On another note, my pants are starting to not fit me. I went maternity clothes shopping last weekend.. I went to the Old Navy out on Bee Caves and 71. They are the only Austin store with a maternity section.. got there. It was small. They hardly had anything, but I did find 2 pairs of capris on sale, and a shirt with some belly room that will grow with me.

Anyway, I believe that's all for now.. I'll probably have more to say next week!

Week 10 begins Sunday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Buffet Palace...ha...that's my old stomping ground.

Oh by the way James and I think your gonna have a girl. Don't ask us why, we just do.