
Best. Day. Ever.

Today.. I had my first doctors appointment after 8 excruciating weeks! After being off last week, Diego was unable to get off again to go with me.. so I was by my lonesome. He kept reassuring me that everything would be fine. Of course, I wasn't really trying to hear that. I just wanted to see the picture of my baby.. and my babies heart beating!!!! By MY.. I mean OUR :D

I'm pretty much a nervous wreck by the time they call back which was really fast! I set in the room, the nurse came in.. she took my bp. She left. Doctor came in.. first impression. She was pretty and had cute glasses.. don't know why that matters, but it put me at ease. She seemed very down to earth and relateable.. she started talking to me.. I was very comfortable, I told her about my last experience.. and she said the same thing happened to her on her first try.. so she understood.. which also put me at ease. Then it was time to get undressed for the ultrasound.. and parts check. She turned the monitor so that only she could see. Luckily, since she had glasses on, I could also see! I couldn't tell much, but I could definitely tell it was bigger than what I saw last time. She turned the monitor around to me.. and I saw OUR child for the first time! I saw the heart beating like crazy.. it was the best thing I've ever seen. Ever. I wish soo bad that Diego could have seen it too!

The only sucky thing was that my blood pressure was high.. so next time it better be down, or I will have to go on meds.

Other than that.. I have a normal sized bun a' baking! My next ultrasound will be Sept 10th. I think that's when they check for downs and other stuff..

Ohhh... and I must brag. No throwing up from this mom to be. I can brag today, but yesterday and all weeks prior I was a nervous wreck about it. I have been nauseous though, it comes in waves. My face is breaking out like a 16 year old! Boobs are sore as hell and feel even bigger than normal! and I'm pretty much tired all day. I think that's about it. Now that it's out in the open.. I'll be letting y'all know what's up as stuff comes up!

lil bun 002-small


Erica said...

so exciting!!! sweet little bean. i can't wait to find out what it is!

queenfriday said...

Congrats girl! We are so happy for you! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I read on Erica's blog that you are expecting a baby so I had to hop on over to tell you congratulations. I had an early miscarriage before I got pregnant with Jude and I can tell you there is nothing more reassuring than listening to that heartbeat, and it never gets old.

I hope this pregnancy is a good journey for you and Diego. What a blessing!