
Total Inappropriateness

I have to comment on something I witnessed last night.

Diego and I went to Kohl's..
As we were checking out, I glanced over and saw a woman breast feeding her child, while she was checking out! I have no problem with mothers breast feeding in public.. just find yourself a bench.. cover up and do what you gotta do.. but this lady.. I swear! She had on a low cut v neck type shirt.. with full boob totally hanging out.. baby just sucking away.. while she was trying to dig for her money. I was floored. I wanted her to see my face and my look of disgust so I was just watching her. She detached the child and handed it off to who I assume was her mother.. and I saw all the darkness that was her nipple. Yuck! As she turned, I looked over at the cashier across from me and saw that he was as dumbfounded as I was.. he probably saw more than I did.. because when I looked at him and looked back at her.. she was stuffing her boob back in. There were children around!!

Some People!

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