
Give Your Pets an Extra Hug

It's been a depressing couple of weeks in our world..

On January 10th.. My dog/my mom's dog Raven.. was diagnosed with Cancer. It was so hard to see her knowing that she was only going to be around a few more weeks.. She was a very sweet dog, she was fun, and very smart.. she was only 6 years old. On the 25th, my mom decided that her quality of life had deminished enough to were you could tell she was suffering and we didn't want that. So, we decided to have the vet put her down. It was scheduled to happen at 9 am, so I got dressed and rushed to my moms house. Of course, there was a crap load of traffic and I was scared I would not make it in time. But I did. When I got there and I saw her, I was beside myself. I can't explain how it felt to see her laying there practically lifeless.. It still makes me cry. When it was time to go, she could not get up.. we were going to try to pick her up, but that didn't really work out, so my mom just sat there with her. I had to walk away because it was too much.. A few minutes later, my mom said that she was dying.. so I went back over.. I held her paw, rubbed her back and that I loved her, my mom and I talked to her and told her that it was ok to go.. then she died.. It was a terrible day.. but some time has past and it's a little easier to talk about now.. even though we all miss her like crazy.

Rest in Peace Little Raven. I love you and I miss you!


Then on Monday, Feb. 4th.. My Aunt Clonda's Pug Jordan passed away unexpectedly.. Clonda took her to the vet because she thought something was up with her.. and just wanted to get her checked out. So she dropped her so they could run tests on her. They called her back and told her she was diabetic and that she would need Insulin shots, which was not a huge deal.. because she already gives her other pug, Winnie, Insulin. I don't know all the details here, but at some point after that conversation, the vet called Clonda and told her that Jordan had died. I can only imagine the shock, disbelief, and helpness my aunt must of have felt at that moment. They did an autopsy on her and found out that she too, had Cancer. It was in her stomach and all around her heart. Jordan was easily stressed out over things such as going to the vet, so with an already weak heart, and being left alone in the vets office.. she possibly had a heart attack. My heart breaks for her and my aunt.

Rest In Peace Little Jord.. We Miss You.


When my mom and aunt moved into there new house in 2006, they had 5 dogs. Now they are down to 1.. Little Winnie is all by herself now. She is diabetic and going blind..

Pets are so much fun, but so hard to lose.

I find myself taking the cats for granted. I love them to pieces and I tell them just about everyday. Generally, when I get home for both jobs.. it's late and I'm just trying to chill.. Marley comes creeping up trying to get in my lap.. kneading all over me.. wanting to be pet.. which makes her fur fly everywhere.. by that time, I'm officially annoyed. I wonder to myself, why does that annoy me (it doesn't always.. but sometimes it does) She misses me.. she wants to be with me and she loves me. One day, she will be gone and I will wish I had her there to annoy me!So, next time she comes crawling up.. I will let her stay as long as she wants :)

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