- It's been a while since I've blogged anything.. I have been a busy bee! This is the first year that I've gotten really crafty during the holidays.. and I am exhausted! I didn't realize how time consuming crafts can be! Everything turned out pretty good, I think.. so it was worth it.
- I knew a few years ago that I would be doing this project whenever I had a baby! I'm so happy I finally got to do it!! My baby kept wanting to scrunch the paint between his toes though.. so, it didn't come out perfect, but I still love it.
- My Christmas vacation starts today, well.. actually, I work from home tonight.. but, like I said.. Christmas vacation has begun! ;)
- Earlier this month we took pictures for our Christmas cards... I think we took seventy five million pictures.. and there were two that were, eh pretty good. Cash was in need of a nap, so he was not very cooperative and Diego and I either had our eyes closed, or we were looking somewhere else, or mouths open.. oh well, better luck next year.
- A.
- B.
We went with A.
- Cash turned 9 months, he had his 9 month check up.. everything is going well. He weighs 19.11 pounds now. He's a little on the short side though.. thanks dad, haha jk. The only thing that he is not doing, that he should be doing is feeding himself. King Cash requires you to feed him. He however, doesn't mind putting everything else he finds in his mouth.. just not food. Damn! He did learn to drink from a straw though, so I'm happy about that (thanks Erica for the tip!)
He is getting even harder to take pictures of! If I'm too close, he attacks!
- My sleepy little reindeer!
- I usually wrap presents a little at a time, but since I had so much other stuff on my plate, I didn't start wrapping until I was pretty much finished with everything. While Cash was taking a nap, I created a giant mess in the living room floor. Ribbons, bows, paper.. and all sorts of other shiny things.. of course, I didn't finish before little mister woke up.. so he was thrilled to see all this fun stuff to play with!
- Dang, Attitude!
- "Don't look at me like your mama don't feed you!" Haha! I remember when people used to say that all the time..
- Random warm day in December.. hanging out, outside.
Haha, great post. I love the pictures. :)
I soooo can't wait to see that lil mister!!
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