.. is hard to do! Since Cash was born, I let the baby swing become my crutch. When I was exhausted beyond belief, I relied heavily on the swing to sooth him to sleep. He loved it, so that's where he took his afternoon naps. After 5 months, and what seems like a zillion D sized Duracell's later.. the swing has swung it's last swing. I knew Cash was outgrowing it, and it wouldn't be long before we'd have to say ok, he's too big! But, having the swing go out on it's own terms works even better. It's a clean break.. cold turkey. Nap time has been moved to the crib. We started it last week, one day.. he took a good 4 hour nap in his crib.. I thought it was going to be smooth sailing, but I was wrong. The next days after that he was not down with sleeping in the crib while it was light outside. Sunday, he took a good long nap in is crib and is currently taking one in there now.. so hopefully, he is now becoming more adjusted.
Here are some pictures from the crib.. ones you've seen before.. and then the one of how my little chunk looks now! (and this picture was taken a few weeks ago!)
Premie Cash
I knew one day I would say this,
but I really can't believe he was ever that small
those premie pants were so huge on him!
I think this was probably 1 month old Cash
1 1/2 or 2 months?? Not sure :/
Whoa! Chunkster, who's been feeding you!
Lately, I've been letting Cash hang out in the house with out a shirt. He slobbers and spits up quit a bit these days.. and creating laundry is not something I prefer! Anyway, just wanted to point out he is shirtless, not naked :)