
Catching Up

Yikes! It's been a month today since I last blogged..
We haven't been up to much in the last few weeks.. but a few things have happened.

We ran the Bun Run with a few members of my family.. we've missed it the last few years, so we were happy to be able to do that again this year. Diego ran with the timed runners and did really good finishing at 34 minutes.. but he didn't beat my Aunt Debbie, who came in around 32 minutes.. she's in great shape! I came trotting in somewhere around 44 minutes, it was a great work out.. we were all sore the next day!

Kruetz Photography takes pictures throughout the run, and posts them to a website. I have stolen these pictures for you viewing pleasure :D

This was at the start of the run. Aunt Clonda is to the right of the dog, my mom is a step ahead and to the right of Aunt Clonda, I am to the right of my mom in turquoise, and Uncle Donny is in the front.

Diego going strong

Aunt Debbie kicking butt! #416
Aunt Debbie

Another happening this month was my 26 birthday. Boy, do I feel 30 approaching.. I am no longer looking forward to my birthday. I think it has become what my mom calls.."just another day". Except, I did get some good stuff! I got a new iPod, because I lost my old one.. (I've actually already managed to lose this one.. but I found it, luckily) I got an awesome bird bath that I love... a gift card to the mall, and our carpets cleaned!!! I think being super excited about getting our carpets clean confirms me being old.

The bird bath that I love!
The Yard 020-small

One of the most excited things to happen this month was the birth of our first niece! Delaney Marie made her grand entrance on May 13th! We went to see her in the hospital and she is cute as a bug! Can't wait to see her again!! We wish they still lived across the highway from us..

So adorable!
(another stolen pic, this one from her moms blog)

A few weeks ago we went to the Oasis for the first time with my friends Brandy & Chris. I have to say, I've heard great things about the Oasis.. but I was thoroughly disappointed! The frozen drinks I had were terrible.. and the food was so-so. I guess when you go there you are paying for atmosphere and it isn't cheap! My parting words were.. "Next time, we'll just go to Hula Hut"

On the Tube

First things first! The season finale of Lost.. Gee whiz! I love, love, love that show! Finally finding out who Jacob is, and having him show up in all of their pasts.. was pretty awesome. I'm sad that next season will be the last, but I'm excited to find out how it all comes together! I guess we'll have to wait until January!

Another finale, that I thought was awesome was Desperate Housewives! That show has been pretty so-so all year long..I've continued to watch, but I haven't been that into it. The season finale however was intense.. and I can't wait to find out who Mike married! I honestly hope it's Catherine, because they can't keep going on with this Mike and Susan on again off again junk! We'll see!

American Idol was really good this season.. but I usually always think that. After Danny Gokey got cut, I was going to be ok with whoever won. I really could not stand Gokey. Adam was the crazy rocker.. who was always screaming.. Kris was the cutie who played instruments.. Kris ended up wining and I was really ok with that. They both will make millions..
American Idol

As for our Netflixed TV shows.... we finished Six Feet Under a while back.. I think it could have ended better.. but it was still a really good series.

I am approaching the end of the Sopranos.. still have about 5 discs left. Diego finally decided (I convinced him) to start watching from the beginning so, I am re-watching some of those with him..

We also started the Series True Blood that comes on HBO. The second season starts next month.. so we are watching the first season now. It's pretty hard core in some parts, but definitely nothing like your typical vampire show. It's Twilight goes to Louisiana with a some raunchiness on top.. or something like that. Basically, we're hooked.

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