
Vegas Trip

The Craziest thing happened to me on my way home from work Tuesday. I got a call from a lady who said that my friend Angela signed me up for a free trip to Vegas. My first thought was Angela?? who the heck is that! I work with an Angela.. but we are not close friends. So.. I let the lady talk, she said that they go by referrals only, they do not go through the phone book. She said that I would have to attend a 90 minute presentation and I will walk away with a voucher for a free trip to Vegas.. regardless if I buy anything or not. I would receive free hotel and air fare, and $40 gift card to Planet Hollywood. So, I thought it sounded pretty good even though I am always sceptical of these things. My cousin Jennifer has already won 2 honeymoons by doing these types of things so I thought what the hell.. I'll try it out. I was still racking my brain trying to find out who Angela was.. then I just straight up told her, I don't know an Angela. She said, well Angela and Reno put your name down. I was like.. OHHH, well I do know Reno and his girlfriend Allison! They are our really good friends, so I was all in at that point.

The lady starts telling more information on the trip and the rules and such.. she says that it's a trip for 2 and I have to be 1 of the 2 people going. So I say.. Yeah of course, me and my husband will totally go...
The lady: Ohh.. you're married?
Me: Yeah..
The lady: Well if you are married then your husband has to come too
Me: Oh... well he works in the evenings
(I'm thinking.. Great! I ruined it)
The lady: But You're Single Right??
Me: Umm.. Yes?
The lady: Ok, Great.. By the way, we don't verify any of this
Me: Ok
The lady: Do you make more than $35,000 a year.
Me: Umm.. Yes?
The lady: Ok, once again we don't verify any of this..

So I'm thinking.. Wow.. This is shady.. but what the hell if Reno and Allison have done it.. then it can't be that bad. So, I sign up for a class Wednesday night (last night) at 6.. the crummy part was that the presentation was in Round Rock!

I tried calling Reno a few times after I hung up with the lady, so I would know what to expect.. he didn't call me back until right before I was about to go in the class on Wed... he told me that they were going to pressure the hell out of me, but for me to just keep saying No, I just want the free trip! So I was like ok! hopefully they don't break me down... to where I just walk out!
So I walk in.. and I'm feeling totally weird about the whole thing, basically as soon as I walked in, I was ready to go! I think I was feeling so weird about it because I felt like I had to lie about being single and my income throughout the whole thing.
When I walked through the doors.. the overly friendly desk guy has me fill out a form.. where I had to verify my age, my income and marital status. After I fill out the form, they take me into a room by myself and have me fill out a referral sheet to refer my friends. At this point I have not been pressured to buy anything everything seems pretty legit.. so I think what the hell I will give my friends a free trip.. So I go through my phone and sign my friends up. Then a man named Tim comes to get me and says that he needs a little one on one time with me. He takes me over to this open space where there are a lot of people talking.. we sit down and I'm sure I'm giving him a "What The Hell is Going On" look... and he starts in.. and I just feel like running for the exits! I don't like how he is talking to me.. it was just creepy how he trying to get into my personal life.. the life that I am having to lie through my teeth about.. I'm a terrible liar (which isn't a bad thing) I can't keep my story straight..
We get interrupted.. and they say it's time to start the presentation.. so we go in the another room, and the lady starts telling us about how much money you waste by staying in a hotel.. and that time shares are a waste too.. but there version of the time share is new and improved.

After all that BS, I have to go talk to Tim again. I'm about to die... I'm ready to get the hell out of there.. I just want my trip and I'm out! So Tim starts again, laying it on thick this time.. telling me about all there locations and you get these vacation credits...16,000 credits a year, and you have up to 4 weeks to use per year.. blah blah.. for the very affordable price of only.... are you ready.. $31,000! and I would need to write that check today. PUH LEASE!! You have got to be kidding me!! You think I really have $31,000 to give you right now?? If I did, I wouldn't need your stupid free trip. Tim says ok... well we have this other plan.. You give us $4,000 today and then you pay $465 per month.. total of $23,000. C'mon seriously? You are out of your mind. Just give me the free trip for my time, and I am ready to go. So Tim calls another guy over there Jeff.. the head guy I guess.. He is totally trying to intimidate me and I start getting frazzled and I want out of there.. but not with out the Vegas trip.. because I spent my 90 minutes and I want the damn trip! So.. Somewhere in there.. I accidentally slip out the word "HUSBAND" which sends them into a frenzy.. Husband? are you married??? In my head I am saying.. son of a bitch!! but, I never admit to being married.. So Jeff gets up and talks to some other people and I know they are pissed. Then another random guy comes over and says that he is the prize guy and that he will be back with my trip.. THANK GOD! So, he comes back and gives me my voucher.. and he is still trying to sell this bull shit to me. I tell them several times that if I had an extra $500 a month to put away for trips then I would..
So, after all that.. I did end up with a voucher for a free trip to Vegas.. 3 days, 2 nights. Which will be a nice little get away for us.. I just have to send the voucher in before June or July and they will send the available dates for us to choose from.

I will probably never again in my life attend one of those things.. and if I ever do again, I will definitely not go alone. I felt weird the rest of the night.


Anonymous said...

OMG that is freakin' hilarious.....well at least you got the trip. Hopefully it all works out. I've known some people to do that and they don't even get there free gift.

Erica said...

We did something like that years ago. we fought tooth & nail with those people. We got a trip to Vegas as well but there were some sort of crazy stipulations on it so we never went. Hopefully, your trip works out better than ours did!!