
Stressful Friends

I have run into some turbulence in the friendship department. Which is never a good feeling, regardless of what the situation is. In this particular case, I feel like some one is stuck in the high school years. Which were great, we partied and had tons of fun.. We saw each other everyday.. and if not, we saw each other plenty of times during the week. TRUST me! I wish I could still live those care free days. But now.. 7 years after high school.. things are totally different. I can't be around all the time like I used to be. Because of this, I feel like I am made out to be a bad person... just because I don't keep in contact on a weekly basis. If I am invited to something, I always try to make it. It's not like I am purposely trying to avoid anyone.

I've been thinking about this for a while now.. and I'm coming to conclusion that I don't think you should have to work at a friendship... you are friends with people because they are the people, other than your family, that you like to hang around with. If we grow apart it's because we are changing.. Why do I have to feel like because we were best friends in high school.. we still have to be best friends today. I don't want it to be where I don't know her any more, but I don't want to be stressed out because I am not a good enough friend to her.

I did try to make one last attempt at reconciling, we'll see how it pans out. Until then.. I am going to keep living my life.. doing what I do.


Erica said...

Sounds very similar to what I recently went through with a friend! Remember that email I shared with you guys. You should never have to work at friendship...it should be easy and stress free. Hang in there! I completely understand how you're feeling!

DY said...

Like Snoop Dog says...
Well you know the line. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey I'll be home in December, if you want me to rough some people up while I'm on vacation I don't have a problem....just let me know!!!

queenfriday said...

I think I have recently used that line about working at a friendship. It's sad when people can't be happy for you in your life right now. Don't let them make you feel that way. You do whatever makes YOU happy! :)