
#11 - Prepare Body For Baby & #13 - Start Pregnancy/Baby Blog

OK, So now that we have made our family and close friends aware of our BIG! Exciting! news.. (if you haven't heard.. read the blog below!) It's time for me to get to work on item #13 on the list of things to do.. my pregnancy blog.. Also, #11 which was prepare body for a baby.. I did start taking Folic Acid pills a few months back so, that basically was the extent of what I did. I did want to drop a few pounds before I became pregnant and I didn't think that had happened.. but I weighed myself this morning and it seems as though I have dropped about 8 or 9 lbs! which is shocking!! I had no idea... even though, people at work have told me that I look like I have lost some weight. So.. that's good!
Anyway! Diego and I are thrilled about having a baby. At first, we were both very scared and nervous and we didn't know what everyone would say.. but now that it's out in the open we are very excited and looking forward to the next 9 months.. and well.. actually the rest of our lives!!
Believe it or not, I had written down the name of the practice that Erica had used when she had Jackson and I called yesterday to make an appointment with the OB that Diego and I were wanting to use (Dr. Reddy) but she was on maternity leave.. and they said she wouldn't be coming back to the practice. Bummer! Instead we went with another doctor in the practice Dr. Eduardo (she is pictured on the far right). I was also bummed to find out that you have to be 8 weeks along before you can see the doctor.. So my appointment is May 23rd!! That's month from tomorrow! Seems like forever! Dr. Eduardo uses both of the hospitals I would want to use, Seton Southwest (right by moms house) and South Austin Hospital. I have had friends have babies at Seton SW, SA hospital and St. David's ..... After working at St. David's, I'd rather not have a baby there. Seton SW was really nice, and SA hospital had HUGE rooms! So.. I'm good with either one of those.
So far, I am feeling good! HUNGRY!!!!! but good! My stomach has been growling like crazy.. and I want to eat, but I don't want to over do it.. So, I just keep things to munch on around me.. such as dry cereal, grapes, carrots, pretzels..etc. I have been having some cramping in my low abdominal area, which concerned me slightly.. but after reading several forums on the Internet I was reassured that this was normal.
I can't wait to start showing.. then this will really.. feel real to me! I'm so excited! I can't even describe it! I want a little GIRL!!!! and Diego, of course... wants a BOY!
So, anyway.. I think that's about all the updating I have for now.. trust me.. there will be lots more to come!


WCarter said...

Hey sweetie. Congrats on the 9 lbs lost. I told you a couple of weeks ago that it looked like you had lost some......I'm so excited about the baby, not looking forward to being called grandma, but I will get used to it. I love you and Diego and am so happy about this event in ALL our lives.

DY said...

My baby is having a baby! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the baby!! That is so exciting. I was lurking on your blog on I saw the amazing news. I hope you are feeling well. Those weeks until your first appt. will seem slow, but when you look back, it will seem like it flew by. Best wishes!!

Christy (Erica's friend)

https://premiercare4womenaz.com/ said...

I know yoga is a great way to prepare for this