
A Hot Afternoon in NYC

After we changed and recharged, we hit the streets again. This time our destination was The Late Show. Using my phone as a map, we navigated our way around until we found it. We went a block or so out of the way, but we found it. All we did was take a picture, there was a long line outside.. so we didn't bother to get any closer. It was neat to see and now we can say we saw it.

Near the Late Show is Central Park. Central Park is huge, and on a hot day in New York.. everyone goes to the park. We were looking for Strawberry Fields.

Wouldn't you know it was quite far from where we entered the park. So we walked, we walked until we found it. When we found it, we were really not that impressed. We got some pictures though.

When we left Central Park at 72nd street, our next destination was Mood. The fabric store where the Project Runway contestants always shop. PR is a show Diego and I both watch, so we were really kind of excited about this. Mood is on 37th street.

Cabs picked up people in suits, rather than tourists with a baby. So we walked. We could have taken the subway, but for whatever reason we didn't. Though this walk seemed like it took forever, it was still just cool to be among the folks of New York. There wasn't anything all that cool to see, but I was taking it all in. To me, it was really neat.

Finally, we made it to the Fashion Distric! All the stuff we see on PR was all right here! Starting with Parsons. This is where the shows work room is located.

Just as it looks on TV!

Swatch is the Boston Terrior that stays at mood. They show him on the show occasionally.

Swatch giving Cash some kisses :)

By the time we left Mood we were pooped. Luckily, it was only a few blocks from our hotel. We headed back in hopes of taking a nap.
Wrong. Cash was not having that. So we hung out in the room for a little bit, trying to catch our third wind... we got dressed and went out for the evening. We had dinner at Olive Garden in Times Square. Then we went around to some shops and called it a day! We were all wiped out.

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