

1. As year one slowly comes to a close.. better yet, quickly comes to a close.. I'm starting to realize/accept that my son is a little person, not just my helpless little baby. He's learning so much.. and amazes me just about every day. Plus, he's just so damn cute!


2. He starting to say more words, and understand some of the things I say. He says "Hi" and waves.. He won't always say hi.. but he waves a lot. If you ask him to wave or say hi.. he may do it.. or he may wait until you are no longer paying attention to do it.

4. He is very interested in the cats.. If I say, "Cash, Where are the cats?" He will point to another room. Sometimes I say, "Cash, Where is Mia?" He looks around for her. So cute. He also has his own way of saying cat. Sometimes it comes out as just a T sound.. or a sort of whistling sound. We know this means cat.. because he points to them!

5. He is into evvvverything. He loves to take things out (ex: stuff out of my purse, diaper bag, and the cabinets), watch things fall to the floor (ex: after being changed he likes to watch unused diapers, lotion, and baby powder fall to the ground from the changing table), he also likes to put random objects in buckets and bowls. Folding clothes in his presences means you aren't getting anything accomplished! He is right behind you throwing your piles in the floor. So rude!



5. Last but not least, he claps! I guess You're Baby Can Read... works pretty well. He can't read or anything.. but, he is learning a lot of stuff from the videos!

6. Today is my first day of Vacation... this is a "do anything but go to work" vacation. I don't have a lot of plans.. just hang out with my family and friends. Also, wrap up birthday preparations. By the way, here's a birthday sneak peek!

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