
Why did the turtle cross the road?

Out by our house, I see animals in the road all of the time.. dogs, cats, deer and even skunks. These animals should be able to move fast enough to get out of the way.. and if not, well that's just how things go sometimes. When I see a turtle in the middle of the road, I think that poor guy has a very slim chance of making it to the other side. The animal lover inside of me just can't drive passed a helpless turtle in the middle of a busy road.

Last Friday, Cash and I were headed home on 2001.. when up ahead I saw a turtle in the middle of the road. 2001 is pretty busy, and speed limit, I believe, is 55 or 60 through this stretch of road. But, I'm thinking I can do it.. no problemo.. this is not my first turtle rescue.

I pass the turtle to make sure that it was indeed a live turtle... and it was. I bust a u-turn, park safely, tell Cash to hang tight, I jump out of the car, wait for all the cars to pass.. and attempt to move this turtle. When I lean down to pick up the turtle, I realize this is a big mo-fo! Not a cute little pond turtle, like I've rescued before. This guy looks like a direct desendent of a dinosaur!

Since I am already out in the middle of the road, I feel like I shouldn't just give up. I keep making attempts to pick him up, but he is straight up scary looking! I was really nervous! Like I said this is a busy road! Cars were coming so I had to get out of the road, while I was standing there waiting for the cars to pass (Mom, I was far enough back and behind the guard rail.. chill) I was trying to think of what I could do.

A yellow jeep passes by, and parks right in front my car.. thank goodness someone has stopped to help me!! A nice looking gentlemen, jogs up and asks if I need help. Yes! I do.. thank you! I tell him this turtle is pretty scary! He decides the best way to move him, would be to kick him.. and I use the term kick loosely.. more like scoots him with his feet.. but, this turtle is big and aggressive so you do have to use a little force. The turtle is pissed off and he's snapping at this guy.. he even flipped over onto his shell of few times. It was no easy task... luckily, a car has stopped in the road.. so we no longer have to dodge traffic.

Once the turtle is to the side of the road, the man and I use some road debris to push him down the small hill towards some standing water on the other side of the fence. Don't let the picture fool you, this guy was not small.. or cute!
The second car waiting, was a lady.. who rolls down her window and tells me that she is a science teacher and appreciates what we did.

So to answer the question, Why did the turtle cross the road? heck if I know.. maybe to see if two chumps would stop their lives to help him get the other side.. just guessing.

Here is a look alike that I found on google images.
I'm telling you, this guy was a beast!
snapping turtle


Stephanie said...

Hahaha....that reminds me of the time I got out of my car to move a turtle. It was probably in that exact same spot. But when I picked him up tons of water came pouring out. When I told Diego he said I probably just killed him, he was probably saving that water for his travel. I thought I was doing a good deed....who knows. Those damn turtles!!

DY said...

"A nice looking gentleman" haha, get it Crystal. :)

CKY said...

I just meant he was a normal looking person, not a creeper!