
Fat Chance

Heidi Klum
What are the chances I will look like this at the end of my pregnancy?!?

I will be standing in my sister-in-laws wedding 8 days before my due date.. and I want to look this pretty! I'm sure I will be a swollen mess! Seriously though, I'm just hoping to make it to the wedding, regardless of what I look like. I'm praying that I do not go into labor the day before or the day of. I will be very upset. If it comes down to it, I may request to be induced to keep this from happening.

Ever since my cousin, Brad, brought up having a St. Patrick's Day baby.. that's been kinda stuck in my brain. I would really love that! Especially, since my husband is big Notre Dame fan. SPD, is 4 days after the wedding.. so I don't know, it's all up in the air.. only time will tell.

1 comment:

Erica said...

No normal person could ever look like that! She's from another world! :) I love her though, she's awesome and looked absolutely gorgeous! She's so lucky!

Oh & you don't want to be induced. It's no fun!