
Too Many Words, Not Enough Pictures

I perfer blogs with more pictures.. and less words. Lately I have been posting too many words.. and not enough pictures. So I am going to work on that. I want to at least throw in one picture per blog. Also, The camping pictures are really big, but I am to lazy to fix them.. so deal with it :D Anyway.. I don't have a picture for this blog.. so I will just randomly find one that is saved on this computer.

My Mia, Love her! :D

Mia Sprawled Out-small


Erica said...

I like bigger pictures. You can see them better. Well, I just say that because I'm too lazy to make mine smaller so they're always big! :)

Deca said...

I like mine bigger medium on every setting seems to work good for me. =) So, the size you have was good...well, I like it. I too like pictures in blogs and hate that I don't put enough in mine. However, it takes a lot of time to take pictures of everything...lol.