
I've Been Summoned

Next Monday the 21st, I have to report to the San Marcos courthouse for jury duty. The last time I received a jury summons was about 2 years ago.. I lived in Travis county and I actually got picked to sit on the jury. It was a very cool experience. It was a murder trial, where the defendant was pleading self defense. I can't remember exactly how it went down.. but there was a girl, around the age of 19, who was hanging out at her families house (note: these were some ghetto people! Lots of alcohol and cocaine involved) and her mom's boyfriend started hitting on her.. so she called her "friend" who was a much older man, to come pick her up. (the friend is some one she was sorta dating, but basically she was really just using him) When the friend showed up.. mom's boyfriend and his brother came out to the car and started an argument with the friend (who never got out of the car) and the friend pulled a gun from the back seat.. supposedly he was just trying to scare them away/protect himself if need be, but there was a struggle for the gun, the gun went off.. shooting the boyfriend in the side and his brother somewhere (I can't remember where). The brother lived, the boyfriend died right there. We were supposed to determine.. if he went there with the intent to harm them or if it was really just in self defense. The trial lasted about 2 days.. and then we spent 3 days in deliberation. The deliberation part was really terrible, except the fact that we got a really good free lunch every day. We were stuck in a small room (thank god there was a window) with different types of people.. with different backgrounds and different opinions. Some people were not at all open minded, and were just too hard headed to come to an agreement, so it ended in a hung jury. It felt like such a waste of time, but it was really neat for me.. because I don't know enough about the judicial system.

So anyway, I am not sure if I will get picked. I'm sure Hays doesn't have a whole bunch of interesting cases.. it'll probably be something lame, like disputing a speeding ticket or something.

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